from You for You
The slogan “From You for You” found in the name describes the unique principle of the Foundation in a nutshell. By donating unwanted clothing to us, each donor becomes a funder, providing real support to disabled children and young people in a non-cash form. Profits from the sale and recycling of textiles feed into the account of the Foundation, enabling it to provide support to those in need.

We implement our statutory tasks by providing material, in-kind and financial assistance, as well as other forms of support for the disabled community.
We receive money for our charitable activities from the sale and recycling of second-hand clothing collected in specially marked containers, a one per cent tax deduction and donations.
We combine our charitable activities with care for the environment. Unwanted clothes do not end up in landfill, but are one hundred per cent recycled and serve people again, instead of remaining a burdensome waste.
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Everyone has their own story. We try to make rays of joy appear in yours.
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