1.Give a second life to your clothing - put your textiles in the container!
How many clothing items do you have that you have not worn for a long time? How many things in your wardrobe that are “still useful” but have been waiting their turn for years? Why not get rid of them and do something good for the environment at the same time?
Drop off your clothing in containers marked with the PCK or Eco Textil logo. In doing so, you are not only acting in harmony with the environment, but also helping people with disabilities.
We recycle 100% of the second-hand clothing we collect. In this way, the raw material of textiles serves people again instead of ending up in landfills. Part of the funds raised from the sale of clothing goes towards tricycles and rehabilitation equipment for people with disabilities.”

2. "Clean out your wardrobe" - action to collect clothing in schools
Promoting environmental awareness from an early age – a challenge that will certainly bear fruit in the future! If we teach children the right attitudes and behaviour, they will be more conscious inhabitants of our planet in adulthood. By collecting clothing in schools, children and young people can take care of the environment where they spend a lot of time and, at the same time, communicate valuable qualities to their peers.
What is the campaign about?
Pupils, their parents and school employees donate unwanted clothing to a special container set up in the school premises. After the collection is completed, our Foundation collects the gathered clothing, which is sent to a sorting plant and then – in various forms – put back into circulation. So we act according to the zero-waste principle!
The aim of the campaign is to draw the attention of the youngest generation to the importance of recycling clothes and to shape ecological attitudes among children and their parents.
How can you join our programme?
Sign up with us! We will send you the relevant documents and coordinate the entire campaign. A container will be delivered to your school, where everyone will be able to drop off unwanted textiles, but also shoes, bedding and toys. Once the campaign is over, we will take the collected items away. Part of the funds obtained from their recycling will support the activities of our Foundation. In exchange for the collected clothing, we will donate rehabilitation equipment to individuals or an establishment designated by the school.
After the campaign is over, we will take the collected items. Part of the funds raised from their sale or recycling will support the activities of our Foundation. In return for the collected clothing, we will donate rehabilitation equipment to the persons or establishment indicated by the school.
If you are interested in cooperating with us, we will be happy to present mutual benefits.
Write to us: fundacja@ecotextil.pl. Together we can do more!

3. Cooperation with business
The Eco Textil Foundation, which operates at Wtórpol, has been eagerly involved in projects aimed at helping people with disabilities and protecting the environment for many years.
As part of our activities, we regularly cooperate with companies. We have already organised many positive actions e.g. with Auchan, Mohito, as well as with local partners from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.
Do you have an idea for a joint project? Do you want your company to get involved in a valuable CSR action?
If you are interested in cooperating with us, we will be happy to present mutual benefits.
Write to us: fundacja@ecotextil.pl. Together we can do more!

Knowledge database
Recycling trivia: did you know … ???
- A fleece sweatshirt can be made from 35 plastic bottles and five can be recycled into a ski jacket.
- A polystyrene tray takes 500 years to decompose and a battery from an electronic watch can poison as much as 400 litres of water.
- It takes 17 trees to produce one tonne of paper. These trees produce enough oxygen for 170 people each year.
- The average person throws away as much rubbish as he or she weighs in 7 weeks.
- Cotton material decomposes 5-8 months, wool: 1-5 years, rubber shoe soles – 80 years. These values depend mainly on the production method, the size of the material used, the bleaching, dyeing and also the printed patterns.
What can you do every day for our Planet? Live a healthy and environmentally friendly life!
- Refrain from purchasing packaging, choose products by weight. Use reusable bags.
- Segregate your rubbish. Recyclables include plastic, glass, paper and metal.
- Pay attention to certificates and choose clothes made of organic cotton, cosmetics made from natural ingredients.
- Return out-of-date medicines to pharmacies, sell or donate furniture and appliances that can still be used, and give unwanted white and brown goods to shops.
- Do not buy unnecessary items.
- Read books and newspapers electronically.
- Use rechargeable batteries instead of batteries.
- Use reusable food packaging.
- Return egg cartons to the shop.
- And of course, visit second-hand shops! You can find real fashion gems there and save a lot of money.